Installation Tasks

3.2. Installation Tasks

To install GFS, perform the following steps:

  1. Install GFS RPMs.

  2. Load the GFS kernel modules.

3.2.1. Installing GFS RPMs

Installing GFS RPMs consists of acquiring and installing two GFS RPMs: the GFS tools RPM (for example, GFS- and the GFS kernel-modules RPM (for example, GFS-modules-smp-


You must install the GFS tools RPM before installing the GFS kernel-modules RPM.

To install GFS RPMs, follow these steps:

  1. Acquire the GFS RPMs according to the kernels in the GFS nodes. Copy or download the RPMs to each GFS node.


    Make sure that you acquire the appropriate GFS kernel-modules RPM for each kernel type. For example, the following GFS kernel-modules RPM is for an SMP or hugemem kernel:


    The GFS tools RPM is common to all kernels.

  2. At each node, install the GFS tools RPM using the rpm -Uvh command. For example:

    # rpm -Uvh GFS-
  3. At each node, install the GFS kernel-modules RPM using the rpm -Uvh command. For example:

    # rpm -Uvh GFS-modules-smp-
  4. At each node, issue the rpm -qa command to check the GFS version as follows:

    # rpm -qa | grep GFS

    This step verifies that the GFS software has been installed; it lists the GFS software installed in the previous step.

3.2.2. Loading the GFS Kernel Modules

Once the GFS RPMs have been installed on the GFS nodes, the following GFS kernel modules need to be loaded into the running kernel before GFS can be set up and used:

  • pool.o

  • lock_harness.o

  • lock_gulm.o

  • gfs.o


The GFS kernel modules must be loaded into a GFS node each time the node is started. It is recommended that you use the init.d scripts included with GFS to automate loading the GFS kernel modules. For more information about GFS init.d scripts, refer to Chapter 12 Using GFS init.d Scripts.


The procedures in this section are for a GFS configuration that uses LOCK_GULM. If you are using LOCK_NOLOCK, refer to Appendix C Basic GFS Examples for information about which GFS kernel modules you should load.

To load the GFS kernel modules, follow these steps:

  1. Run depmod -a. For example:

    # depmod -a


    Run this only once after RPMs are installed.

  2. Load pool.o and dependent files as follows:

    # modprobe pool


    To specify a persistent major number, edit /etc/modules.conf before loading pool.o. Refer to Section 3.1.2 Specifying a Persistent Major Number

  3. Load lock_gulm.o and dependent files as follows:

    # modprobe lock_gulm
  4. Load gfs.o and dependent files as follows:

    # modprobe gfs