6.2. Create the GFS volumes

6.2. Create the GFS volumes

6.2. Create the GFS volumes

6.2.1. Verify the logical volumes

Because GFS is installed only on the RAC servers, these steps must be performed on one of them. It does not matter which one, but if you are installing Oracle Clusterware and RDBMS, it is recommended that you choose node 1. Verify that the node can see logical volumes.

Run: rac1 $ sudo lvscan

ACTIVE            '/dev/oradata/datafiles' [48.00 GB] inherit
ACTIVE            '/dev/redo4/log4' [4.00 GB] inherit
ACTIVE            '/dev/common/ohome' [5.50 GB] inherit
ACTIVE            '/dev/redo3/log3' [4.00 GB] inherit
ACTIVE            '/dev/redo2/log2' [4.00 GB] inherit
ACTIVE            '/dev/redo1/log1' [4.00 GB] inherit

6.2.2. Create the filesystems

The command-line utility mkfs.gfs will be used to create each volume since some non-default values are required to create suitable Oracle GFS volumes

Run: rac1 $ mkfs.gfs –h

mkfs.gfs [options] <device>


  -b <bytes>       Filesystem block size
  -D               Enable debugging code
  -h               Print this help, then exit
  -J <MB>          Size of journals
  -j <num>         Number of journals
  -O               Do not ask for confirmation
  -p <name>        Name of the locking protocol
  -q               Do not print anything
  -r <MB>          Resource Group Size
  -s <blocks>      Journal segment size
  -t <name>        Name of the lock table
  -V               Print program version information, then exit

Option Value Notes



One for each RAC node. GULM lock servers do not run GFS.



Oracle maintains the integrity of its filesystem with its own journals or redo logs. All database files are opened O_DIRECT (bypassing the RHEL buffer cache and the need to use GFS journals). Additionally, redo logs are opened O_SYNC.



The chosen locking protocol.



The cluster name (from /etc/sysconfig/clusters) and the logical volume being initialized.



The block-mode logical-device name.

Table 6.1. Hostnames and Physical Interfaces


rac1 $ sudo mkfs.gfs -J 32 -j 4 -p lock_gulm -t
alpha_cluster:log1 /dev/redo1/log1

This will destroy any data on /dev/redo1/log1.
Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/n] y

Device:                    /dev/redo1/log1
Blocksize:                 4096
Filesystem Size:           1015600
Journals:                  4
Resource Groups:           16
Locking Protocol:          lock_gulm
Lock Table:                alpha_cluster:log1

All Done


mkfs.gfs -J 32 -j 4 -p lock_gulm -t alpha_cluster:log2 /dev/redo2/log2
mkfs.gfs -J 32 -j 4 -p lock_gulm -t alpha_cluster:log3 /dev/redo3/log4
mkfs.gfs -J 32 -j 4 -p lock_gulm -t alpha_cluster:log4 /dev/redo4/log4
mkfs.gfs -J 32 -j 4 -p lock_gulm -t alpha_cluster:ohome /dev/common/ohome
mkfs.gfs -J 32 -j 4 -p lock_gulm -t alpha_cluster:datafiles /dev/oradata/datafiles

6.2.3. /etc/fstab entries

/dev/common/ohome       /mnt/ohome      gfs     _netdev 0 0
/dev/datafiles/oradata  /mnt/oradata    gfs     _netdev 0 0
/dev/redo1/log1         /mnt/log1       gfs     _netdev 0 0
/dev/redo2/log2         /mnt/log2       gfs     _netdev 0 0
/dev/redo3/log3         /mnt/log3       gfs     _netdev 0 0
/dev/redo4/log4         /mnt/log4       gfs     _netdev 0 0

The _netdev option is also useful as it insures the filesystems are un-mounted before cluster services shutdown. Copy this section of the /etc/fstab file and move it to the other nodes in the system. These volumes were mounted in /mnt and the corresponding mount directories needed to be created on every node.

Filesystem           		1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/redo1-log1          4062624        20   4062604   1%   /mnt/log1
/dev/mapper/redo2-log2          4062368        20   4062348   1%   /mnt/log2
/dev/mapper/redo3-log3          4062624        20   4062604   1%   /mnt/log3
/dev/mapper/redo4-log4          4062368        20   4062348   1%   /mnt/log4
/dev/mapper/common-ohome        6159232        20   6159212   1%   /mnt/ohome
/dev/mapper/oradata-datafiles   50193856       40  50193816   1%   /mnt/datafiles

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