2.5. Configuring Fence Devices

2.5. Configuring Fence Devices

2.5. Configuring Fence Devices

Configuring fence devices consists of creating, modifying, and deleting fence devices. Creating a fence device consists of selecting a fence device type and entering parameters for that fence device (for example, name, IP address, login, and password). Modifying a fence device consists of selecting an existing fence device and changing parameters for that fence device. Deleting a fence device consists of selecting an existing fence device and deleting it.


If you are creating a new cluster, you can create fence devices when you configure cluster nodes. Refer to Section 2.6, “Configuring Cluster Members”.

With Conga you can create shared and non-shared fence devices.

The following shared fence devices are available:

  • APC Power Switch

  • Brocade Fabric Switch

  • Bull PAP

  • Egenera SAN Controller

  • GNBD

  • IBM Blade Center

  • McData SAN Switch

  • QLogic SANbox2

  • SCSI Fencing

  • Virtual Machine Fencing

  • Vixel SAN Switch

  • WTI Power Switch

The following non-shared fence devices are available:

  • Dell DRAC

  • HP iLO



  • RPS10 Serial Switch

This section provides procedures for the following tasks:

The starting point of each procedure is at the cluster-specific page that you navigate to from Choose a cluster to administer displayed on the cluster tab.

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