4.6.2. Removing a Failover Domain

4.6.2. Removing a Failover Domain

4.6.2. Removing a Failover Domain

To remove a failover domain, follow these steps:

  1. At the left frame of the the Cluster Configuration Tool, click the failover domain that you want to delete (listed under Failover Domains).

  2. At the bottom of the right frame (labeled Properties), click the Delete Failover Domain button. Clicking the Delete Failover Domain button causes a warning dialog box do be displayed asking if you want to remove the failover domain. Confirm that the failover domain identified in the warning dialog box is the one you want to delete and click Yes. Clicking Yes causes the failover domain to be removed from the list of failover domains under Failover Domains in the left frame of the Cluster Configuration Tool.

  3. At the Cluster Configuration Tool, perform one of the following actions depending on whether the configuration is for a new cluster or for one that is operational and running:

    • New cluster — If this is a new cluster, choose File => Save to save the changes to the cluster configuration.

    • Running cluster — If this cluster is operational and running, and you want to propagate the change immediately, click the Send to Cluster button. Clicking Send to Cluster automatically saves the configuration change. If you do not want to propagate the change immediately, choose File => Save to save the changes to the cluster configuration.

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