4.4.1. Setting Quotas

4.4.1. Setting Quotas

4.4.1. Setting Quotas

Two quota settings are available for each user ID (UID) or group ID (GID): a hard limit and a warn limit.

A hard limit is the amount of space that can be used. The file system will not let the user or group use more than that amount of disk space. A hard limit value of zero means that no limit is enforced.

A warn limit is usually a value less than the hard limit. The file system will notify the user or group when the warn limit is reached to warn them of the amount of space they are using. A warn limit value of zero means that no limit is enforced.

Limits are set using the gfs_quota command. The command only needs to be run on a single node where GFS is mounted.


Setting Quotas, Hard Limit

gfs_quota limit -u User -l Size -f MountPoint
gfs_quota limit -g Group -l Size -f MountPoint

Setting Quotas, Warn Limit

gfs_quota warn -u User -l Size -f MountPoint
gfs_quota warn -g Group -l Size -f MountPoint

A user ID to limit or warn. It can be either a user name from the password file or the UID number.


A group ID to limit or warn. It can be either a group name from the group file or the GID number.


Specifies the new value to limit or warn. By default, the value is in units of megabytes. The additional -k, -s and -b flags change the units to kilobytes, sectors, and file-system blocks, respectively.


Specifies the GFS file system to which the actions apply.


This example sets the hard limit for user Bert to 1024 megabytes (1 gigabyte) on file system /gfs.

gfs_quota limit -u Bert -l 1024 -f /gfs

This example sets the warn limit for group ID 21 to 50 kilobytes on file system /gfs.

gfs_quota warn -g 21 -l 50 -k -f /gfs

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