3.1.1. Configuring Network Interfaces for a NAT LVS Cluster

3.1.1. Configuring Network Interfaces for a NAT LVS Cluster

3.1.1. Configuring Network Interfaces for a NAT LVS Cluster

To set up a NAT LVS cluster, the administrator must first configure the network interfaces for the public network and the private network on the LVS routers. In this example, the LVS routers' public interfaces (eth0) will be on the 192.168.26/24 network (I know, I know, this is not a routable IP, but let us pretend there is a firewall in front of the LVS router for good measure) and the private interfaces which link to the real servers (eth1) will be on the 10.11.12/24 network.

So on the active or primary LVS router node, the public interface's network script, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, could look something like this:


The /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 for the private NAT interface on the LVS router could look something like this:


In this example, the VIP for the LVS router's public interface will be and the VIP for the NAT or private interface will be So, it is essential that the real servers route requests back to the VIP for the NAT interface.


The sample Ethernet interface configuration settings in this section are for the real IP addresses of an LVS router and not the floating IP addresses. To configure the public and private floating IP addresses the administrator should use the Piranha Configuration Tool, as shown in Section 4.4, “GLOBAL SETTINGS” and Section 4.6.1, “The VIRTUAL SERVER Subsection”.

After configuring the primary LVS router node's network interfaces, configure the backup LVS router's real network interfaces — taking care that none of the IP address conflict with any other IP addresses on the network.


Be sure each interface on the backup node services the same network as the interface on primary node. For instance, if eth0 connects to the public network on the primary node, it must also connect to the public network on the backup node as well.

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